How To Make A Website With Notepad

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See full list on Feb 24, 2021 This wikiHow teaches you how to write a simple web page with HTML (hypertext markup language). HTML is one of the core components of the World Wide Web, making up the structure of web pages. Once you've created your web page, you can save it as an HTML document and view it in your web browser. Apr 27, 2014 Today we will going learn a new Notepad trick.In this trick we use notepad to open websites/webpages. All programs - Accessories - Notepad. To open Notepad on Windows 7 or earlier, click on Start - All Programs - Accessories - Notepad. You can also click on Start and search for 'Notepad'. Mac Open TextEdit and make sure the text editor is set to plain text by going to Preferences New Document select plain text.

Hello, guys Welcome. In this tutorial, we are going Know How to Create a Website using HTML on Notepad Text Editor.

Steps we are going to Talk about in this Tutorial:

Step 1. How to do imessage games. Open Notepad.

Step 2. Create HTML file.

Step 3. Insert HTML Elements Using HTML Tags.

Step 4. Save and Run the HTML File.

Step 5. Enjoy your Website.

Add Headings and Paragraphs:

Adding Headings in HTML

To insert Headings in HTML we have Six Tags for That. From H1 to H6. Where H6 Gives the Smallest Headline Font Size and H1 Gives the Biggest Headline Font Size.

Adding Paragraphs in HTML

To add Paragraphs in HTML we have P tags for that.

Add Images

Adding Images in HTML:

By using HTML's IMG tag we can Insert Images in HTML.
Provide Image path inside the SRC Attribute.
For Image Height Width Customization we Have HTML's Height Width Attributes.

Adding Background Image in HTML:

To add a Background Image to a Webpage we have to use HTML's background Attribute inside the body starting tag.
And inside the background attribute, we have to give our Image's Path.

Adding Audio and Video Files:

Adding an Audio file in HTML:

How To Make Homemade Notepads

To Insert audio file in HTML We have Audio Tags for That.
Inside the SRC attribute, we have to Give our Audio file's Path.
Controle attribute will give us some controls to Control Audio File on our HTML File.

Adding a Video File in HTML:

To Insert audio file in HTML We have Video Tags for That.
Inside the SRC attribute, we have to Give our Video file's Path.
Controle attribute will give us some controls to Control Video File on our HTML File.

Styling HTML Elements:

To Style HTML Elemets we use CSS.

Including CSS in HTML Webpage:

How To Build A Website Using Notepad | FastWebStart

To Include CSS in HTML we have to Write HTML's Style Tag inside the Header Tages.

Selecting HTML Elemnts in CSS:

Selecting HTML Element using Tag Name:

Selecting HTML Element using ID Name:

Selecting HTML Element using Class Name:

Styling HTML using CSS:

Changing Font Size using CSS:

Changing Font Color using CSS:

Changing Background Color using CSS:

How To Make A Website Using Notepad

Changing Text Alignment using CSS:

Changing Opacity using CSS:

Changing Margin using CSS:

Changing Padding using CSS:

Changing width using CSS:


Changing Height using CSS:

Changing Text's Line Height using CSS:

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